Student Technology

The Beverly Hills Unified School District believes the use of technology in school provides students greater opportunities to learn, engage, communicate, and develop skills that will prepare them for work, life, and society. BHUSD encourages the use of technology in a safe, responsible, and courteous manner to further learning and communication opportunities for students in support of BHUSD’s educational mission.
All BVMS students are issued a laptop to support instruction at school and at home. Students are responsible for the care of the laptop and to have a working charged device at school every day.
All students are issued a BHUSD Gmail account. Students are expected to check their BHUSD emails daily for teacher communication and school-wide announcements. In addition to their Gmail account, students can access  Google Workspace for Education apps which are a suite of apps that provide a flexible and secure foundation for learning, collaboration, and communication.
Apps for Learning can be accessed via Clever
Clever is our Single Sign-On to access district educational apps. Students use their BHUSD Google email to log in to Clever's Single Sign-On.
Please see the menu topics (to the right) to access how-to guides and additional technology-related information.
Underlined words are links that will take you to how-to guides.
I need tech help! (submit a support ticket here)