Prospective Families/Tours

We would love to meet you in person! Please join our Principal, Richard Waters, on one of the following dates:
 August            Thursday      8/22/24        9:00 am
 September      Thursday      9/19/24        9:00 am
 October           Thursday     10/24/24       9:00 am 
 November        Friday          11/15/24       9:00 am
 December       Thursday     12/12/24        9:00 am
 January           Thursday      1/16/25         9:00 am
 February         Thursday      2/20/25         9:00 am
 March              Thursday      3/13/25         9:00 am
 April                 Friday           4/18/25         9:00 am
 May                 Thursday      5/15/25         9:00 am
For more information contact our PTA Representative, Jill Egerman, at [email protected]
Thank you for your interest in our Middle School! Please refer to the resources below for additional information:
The Aeries Portal is a secure website allowing parents, guardians and students to have "real-time" access to view their students' data including attendance, grades, class schedule, transcripts, graduation status, and current class progress and our Aeries. Parents also have access to their student's State Test Results.
Students will use their BHUSD Google account to log in. 
Please check your Google email for the link. New Parent portal accounts are created automatically via an email to parents. Please refer to the automated email with a link for continuing to create your account. (Note to also view your Spam/Junk mail folder, in case the automated email does not appear in your Inbox folder).
The Aeries Portal performs best when using the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Internet Explorer.
Click here to access the Aeries Parent Portal


Are you missing school email notifications? Or missing emails from the district? (It's probably because your notifications have NOT been set up.)

Set up your Aeries Communications by following these directions:

  1. Please login to the Aeries Parent Portal.
  2. Select Communications from the Aeries Parent Portal Dashboard page.
Aeries Dashboard
   3. Select the drop-down menu from the top right corner (next to your name)
   4. Select My Account
   5. Select Customize your settings
ParentSquare Settings
 6. Select Instant or Digest next to each school site. If you select Digest you will receive a consolidated message from that school at 6 pm.
ParentSquare Instant or Digest
*Please note that if a sender selects SEND IMMEDIATELY when posting a message it will override the user's Digest setting. ALL emergency notifications will also be sent immediately.

A teacher or school administrator can invite a guardian to receive email summaries about their student’s work in class. To get summaries, the teacher and student must use Google Classroom. Email summaries do not include grades.

What’s included in an email summary?

  • Missing work—Work not turned in when the summary was sent.
  • Upcoming work—Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails).
  • Class activity—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers.

Guardians who sign up for email summaries can’t see the Stream, Classwork, People, or Grades pages in Classroom.

How do guardians get summaries?

  1. A teacher sends an invitation to a guardian.
  2. After a guardian accepts the invitation, they choose when to get email summaries for each of their students.
    • To access your Google Guardian Summaries, Guardians should search for "Google Classroom" in their email.
    • Find an email with the title "Get Google Classroom email summaries for student name".
    • Open the email and select ACCEPT

If the guardian is using Gmail on the next page, they will be able to use the drop-down arrow to select how often they will receive the Google Guardian Summary Reports. Reports are either sent out daily (Gmail users) or on Friday (if weekly is select and/or non-Gmail users). 




Here is a link (click here) to examples of the Google Guardian Report and Aeries Parent Weekly Progress email.