- Create an account for the athlete at the website:
select-state - Gather all four required/completed documents and upload them directly into the athlete’s account - these four documents need to be pdf, png, or jpg file types in order to be accepted (no HEIC).
- Coach Park or Coach Radonsky will verify the required four uploaded documents for final clearance to participate.
A correct BVMS Athletics registration packet includes the following documents:
- Pre-participation/health history form completed by a parent.
- Completed current physical form signed and dated by a doctor.
- Copy of current medical insurance card or Myers-Stevens Insurance Order Form.
- Consent confirmation form printed/signed by both athlete and parent at the end of process—this will list the athlete’s name, sport, and Beverly Vista Middle School in the first paragraph of the text.
Once athletes are cleared for any one sport at BVMS, they are cleared to participate in BVMS Athletics for the entire school year.