Community Service FAQ
Community Service or Service Learning? Yes, there is a difference, but right now our focus is community service. Although service learning is something related to learning that happens in a classroom, volunteer work would be community service no matter where it happens.
How many community service hours are required for outdoor education
trips? Students participating in outdoor education trips are not required to perform community service.
How do students keep track of their points? Forms are available on the link at the right titled "Community Service Hors Forms" or in room D302. These forms allow students to track more than one activity. Forms must be turned in to the box in room D302 - NOT EMAILED!
What opportunities are available to students? Students can participate in volunteer work in the community at any non-profit organization. A list of some of those opportunities is on the
BVMS website. Along with helping individual staff members, students can also help in the cafeteria at lunch or handing out balls on the playground. In addition, there will be monthly after school activities on the first Thursday of each month. Students must sign up in advance on the BVMS Community Service Opportunities webpage. We also will have participating in several charity walks as a BVMS team. Volunteering at these activities could give students the bulk of their hours needed.
What if I or students have questions? Any questions, comments or suggestions (please!) can be directed to Caitlin Carter in room D302 or [email protected]